Wizard Registration


How to Register…

Cost: $300

To register your witch or wizard please fill out the following Google Form for the week you are signing up for

Session One (June 24 - June 28, 2024) REGISTRATION FORM

Session Two (July 8 - July 12, 2024) REGRISTRAION FORM

Registration is NOT complete (and your spot is NOT HELD) until payment has been received and processed.
Checks made out to “Summer Camp For Wizards, LLC” and mailed to
14 Monhegan Ave, Wayne, NJ, 07470
Venmo payment @Old-Stone-Wizards-17 , last four digits 5569.

Register EARLY! Ensure your witch or wizard a MAGICAL SUMMER!

Please email us with any questions at SummerCampForWizards@gmail.com